Sunday, June 28, 2009


Stimulis Package my ass. I don't see any relief yet and how long has this been in the news. We went through Bush's what 750 billion I see no jobs pick up in the construction field. Ok now we have another 736 billion more from Obama still the jobless rate is getting bigger, some plan,I think a bunch of retards could have done a better job. So this is what our governments best economists came up with,nothing is what they came up with. If this is the best they can do then we are in bigger trouble than anybody thinks. All they did was make the rich richer and the poor poorer. They have effectivly done away with the middle class worker. They don,t want people to retire from the middle class work force because they would have nobody to train the younger work force, or should I say the illegal immigrants. This is another issue that has been pushed to the back burner. The big companies need this work force because the American young people do not want to work most of them think they can go to school get out and make big money without working for it. An education is a good thing but they need good work habits to go with it. There's one thing that cannot be taken away from you and that is your education, so American youth put it to good use by using it in the proper way and not trying to figure out ways to scam or fool the system because the only one your fooling is yourself. Mad as Hell

Sunday, June 14, 2009


O.K. Here we go again. Look at the gas prices I predicted months ago that gas would be going up. I think it is bullshit because of speculators bidding up gas so they can profit from us fellow americans. The jobs as they are and economy as it is these bastards should be held accountable for stealing money from the American people. The government wants to get there nose into everything, maybe they should shut this speculation on crude down and set a barrel price to cut the profits of these speculators enough is enough. Last year crude at 145.00 a barrel and gas averaged 4.11 a gallon. Lets do the math one half of 145 is 72.50 so why isn't gas 2.05 a gallon. Driving is down the demand for gas is down so why isn't the price of crude down? The government should help the American people and stop this speculation now. Like these rich bastards have not made enough money off of the American worker they want more. Like myself loosing over 50% of my 401k and with the housing market off over 30% these numbers tell me I won't be able to retire any time soon.
Another thing that really pisses me off is employers wanting you to take pay cuts I would say fine if the food prices would drop gas prices would drop along with health, auto, life insurances would drop along with our wages. Most companies are asking 20% cuts fine if other things would drop 20% then we could afford pay cuts. I thought the governments bailout money was suspose to help smaller business but I guess not all they did was help big banking and loan companies get there asses out of trouble again screwing the little guy. If it wasn't for the little working guy these big banking and loan companies wouldn't have shit, so wake up and open your eyes and help the little people and maybe they would help you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

our friends from the south

Before the big news about the economy there was illegal immigration that was swept under the rug. I think this causes many problems and financial hardships for all of us tax payers. They come to work and pay hardly any taxes, burden our hospitals and health care systems thus raising our insurance not only in health care but every thing else. They drive with no valid licenses or insurance cause accidents and if they can flee the scene they damn sure will. They work for half what a white man will and live like pigs with as many as they can pack into a house and send most of there money back to Mexico, thus doing nothing for the economy in the U.S. Florida being a write to work state there is no or very little union envolvement in the construction business so the companies that hire these people don't have to pay wages that a American man can support a family on. This is only a short entry today because I am tired after working all day to pay my bills. YOU WILL BE HEARING A LOT FROM ME IN THE FUTURE.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am making this blog so my significant other has a soap box! So not only me but anyone that wants to read this knows how he feels about the world in general.